The views expressed here are those of the writers. ONE's readers cover a wide range of geographical, economic, age, and educational status. This department aims to express this diversity.
No doubt you receive all the various magazines from Germany and include those that purport to give the names of the different "gay bars." I think that readers. in America should be advised that these lists are dangerous. I speak now from my knowledge of Germany and one should be very careful when visiting these places. In Der Kreis for November 1955 on Page 7 will be found a letter from a German writer which confirms what I know.
Your March issue of one proved Terrific. Enjoy the Letters to the Editor and Tangents. Occasionally One is too literary. let us live in the present and print more of the present. Don't get me wrong, the past does prove beneficial, helping me understand myself a little more.
Mr. N.
Detroit, Michigan
Mr. C. London, Eng.
A big cheer for Dr. Manfred Guttmacher of Baltimore (One, March, 1956) whose observations on the Star panel seem to me to be the only ones showing any real intelligence. I am sick of all these experts who give their own prejudices the weight of official utterance.
Mr. R. Waco, Texas
My most proud possession is my One Honorary Membership. Thanks to you and the Board. I'm very touched by the gesture.
Mr. B.
London, England
Enjoyed your article "Miami's New Type Witchhunt."
Really nothing to what is happening here in Key West.
Everyone who is suspected of being a deviate has been warned to leave town. The usual hue and cry was raised by the Chief of Police.
Many have been arrested and charged with "vagrancy" which carries a fine of from $10.00 to and including $150.00. This charge has been placed against the native-born, employed, and wealthy, as well as against visitors.
It is hardly safe for a deviate (male or female) to be seen on the street, not to mention the bars or restaurants.
Mr. F.
Key West, Fla.